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Early Intervention


Crucial Statistics

Literacy Facts

  • In Los Angeles 2022, only 69% of K-Second Graders were reading at benchmark or higher.

  • In California, 23% of adults in America are not reading at a proficient level.

  • In California, the average literacy rate is 7th-grade level.

  • Demographically speaking, in Los Angeles there is a significant reading gap below grade level for Latino, Black, and SPED students.

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The Importance

The brain is most malleable to learn language between the ages of one to seven. A Harvard Study shows this human brain development phenomenon below.

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The Matthew Effect

The reading gap will increase and the students who struggle with reading will become discouraged and read less, creating a snowball effect in reading called the Matthew Effect. This idea relies on the theory that students who begin with strong reading skills do better and improve quicker than students who begin with weak reading skills, and decline over time. 

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